Source code for LFPy.templatecell

#!/usr/bin/env python
Copyright (C) 2012 Computational Neuroscience Group, NMBU.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

import os
import neuron
import numpy as np
import pickle
from LFPy import Cell, RecExtElectrode
from LFPy.run_simulation import _run_simulation, _run_simulation_with_electrode
import sys

[docs]class TemplateCell(Cell): ''' This class allow using cell templates with some limitations Arguments: :: morphology : [str]: path to morphology file; templatefile : [str]: Cell template definition(s) templatename : [str]: Cell template-name used for this cell object templateargs : [str]: Arguments provided to template-definition v_init: [-65.]: initial potential passive: [True]/False: passive mechs are initialized if True Ra: [150.]: axial resistance rm: [30000]: membrane resistivity cm: [1.0]: membrane capacitance e_pas: [-65.]: passive mechanism reversal potential extracellular: [True]/False: switch for NEURON's extracellular mechanism timeres_NEURON: [0.1]: internal dt for NEURON simulation timeres_python: [0.1]: overall dt for python simulation tstartms: [0.]: initialization time for simulation <= 0 ms tstopms: [100.]: stop time for simulation > 0 ms nsegs_method: ['lambda100']/'lambda_f'/'fixed_length': nseg rule max_nsegs_length: [None]: max segment length for method 'fixed_length' lambda_f: [100]: AC frequency for method 'lambda_f' delete_sections: [True]: delete pre-existing section-references custom_code: [None]: list of model-specific code files ([.py/.hoc]) custom_fun: [None]: list of model-specific functions with args custom_fun_args: [None]: list of args passed to custom_fun functions pt3d: True/[False]: use pt3d-info of the cell geometries switch verbose: True/[False]: verbose output switch Usage of TemplateCell class: :: import LFPy cellParameters = { 'morphology' : 'path/to/morphology', 'templatefile' : 'path/to/template-file (.hoc) 'templatename' : 'templatename' 'templateargs' : None 'rm' : 30000, 'cm' : 1.0, 'Ra' : 150, 'timeres_NEURON' : 0.1, 'timeres_python' : 0.1, 'tstartms' : -50, 'tstopms' : 50, } cell = LFPy.TemplateCell(**cellParameters) cell.simulate() ''' def __init__(self, templatefile='LFPyCellTemplate.hoc', templatename='LFPyCellTemplate', templateargs=None, **kwargs): ''' Initialization of the Cell object. Arguments: :: templatefile : Cell template definition(s) templatename : Cell template-name used for this cell object templateargs : Arguments provided to template-definition **kwargs : See docstring of LFPy.Cell ''' self.templatefile = templatefile self.templatename = templatename self.templateargs = templateargs if not hasattr(neuron.h, 'd_lambda'): neuron.h.load_file('stdlib.hoc', 'String') #NEURON std. library neuron.h.load_file('import3d.hoc') #import 3D morphology lib #load the cell template specification #check if templatename exist in neuron.h namespace: if hasattr(neuron.h, self.templatename): print('template %s exist already' % self.templatename) else: if type(self.templatefile) == str: neuron.h.load_file(self.templatefile) elif type(self.templatefile) == list: for template in self.templatefile: neuron.h.load_file(template) #initialize the cell object Cell.__init__(self, **kwargs) def _load_geometry(self): '''Load the morphology-file in NEURON''' try: neuron.h.sec_counted = 0 except LookupError: neuron.h('sec_counted = 0') #the python cell object we are loading the morphology into: celltemplate = getattr(neuron.h, self.templatename) self.cell = celltemplate(self.templateargs) #self.cell = getattr(neuron.h, self.templatename)(self.templateargs) #perform a test if the morphology is already loaded: seccount = 0 for sec in self.cell.all: seccount += 1 if seccount == 0: #import the morphology, try and determine format fileEnding = self.morphology.split('.')[-1] if not fileEnding == 'hoc' or fileEnding == 'HOC': #create objects for importing morphologies of different formats if fileEnding == 'asc' or fileEnding == 'ASC': Import = neuron.h.Import3d_Neurolucida3() if not self.verbose: Import.quiet = 1 elif fileEnding == 'swc' or fileEnding == 'SWC': Import = neuron.h.Import3d_SWC_read() elif fileEnding == 'xml' or fileEnding == 'XML': Import = neuron.h.Import3d_MorphML() else: raise ValueError('%s is not a recognised morphology file format! ').with_traceback('Should be either .hoc, .asc, .swc, .xml!' \ % self.morphology) #assuming now that morphology file is the correct format try: Import.input(self.morphology) except: if not hasattr(neuron, 'neuroml'): raise Exception('Can not import, try and copy the ' + \ 'nrn/share/lib/python/neuron/neuroml ' + \ 'folder into %s' % neuron.__path__[0]) else: raise Exception('something wrong with file, see output') try: imprt = neuron.h.Import3d_GUI(Import, 0) except: raise Exception('See output, try to correct the file') #instantiate the cell object if fileEnding == 'xml' or fileEnding == 'XML': #can not currently assign xml to cell template try: imprt.instantiate(self.cell) except: raise Exception("this xml file is not supported") else: imprt.instantiate(self.cell) else: neuron.h.execute("xopen(\"%s\")" % self.morphology, self.cell) #neuron.h.load_file(1, self.morphology) #set shapes and create sectionlists neuron.h.define_shape() self._create_sectionlists() def _create_sectionlists(self): '''Create section lists for different kinds of sections''' #list with all sections #test if list self.cell.all is not empty numsec = 0 for sec in self.cell.all: numsec += 1 if numsec > 0: self.allsecnames = [] for sec in self.cell.all: self.allsecnames.append( #hotpatching the allseclist!!! self.allseclist = self.cell.all #list of soma sections, assuming it is named on the format "soma*" self.nsomasec = 0 self.somalist = neuron.h.SectionList() for sec in self.cell.all: if'soma') >= 0: self.somalist.append(sec=sec) self.nsomasec += 1 else: self.allsecnames = [] for sec in self.cell.allsec(): self.allsecnames.append( self.allseclist = neuron.h.SectionList() for sec in self.cell.allsec(): self.allseclist.append(sec=sec) #list of soma sections, assuming it is named on the format "soma*" self.nsomasec = 0 self.somalist = neuron.h.SectionList() for sec in self.cell.allsec(): if'soma') >= 0: self.somalist.append(sec=sec) self.nsomasec += 1 def _update_pt3d(self): ''' update the locations in using neuron.h.pt3dchange() ''' for i, sec in enumerate(self.allseclist): n3d = int(neuron.h.n3d()) for n in range(n3d): neuron.h.pt3dchange(n, self.x3d[i][n], self.y3d[i][n], self.z3d[i][n], self.diam3d[i][n]) #let NEURON know about the changes we just did: neuron.h.define_shape() #must recollect the geometry, otherwise we get roundoff errors! self._collect_geometry()